Featured Products

Chicago Pneumatic CP9288C 13mm Drill
Composite housing with thermoplastic rubber handle grip
Wings on right & left sides to guide the forefinger
Large teasing trigger and progressive valve allowing more control to start holes
Low speed gear box
Flat back part for better pushing action while drilling and tapping
Handle exhaust allowing the air to flow away from the operator
Supplied with high quality industrial JacobsĀ® chucks for longer use
– Keyless
Excellent for drilling, honing, reaming and hole sawing
We also provide HAVS testing, Hand Arm Vibration Testing,Tool repairs, Dynabrade tools,Dynabrade Belt Files, Dynadrade Die Grinders, Dynabrade Angle Grinders, Dynabrade Drills, Sioux tools, Fuji tools, Fuji Drills, Fuji Impact Wrenches, Fuji Ratchet Wrenches, Fuji Sand Rammers, Fuji Sanders, Fuji Pipe Bevelling Tools, Fuji Tappers, Fuji Screwdrivers, Fuji Angle Grinders, Fuji Die Grinders, Fuji Pumps, Fuji Pulse Wrenches, Fuji Rammers, CP tools, Chicago Pneumatic Tools, CP Ratchet Wrenches, CP Impact Wrenches, CP Drills, CP Sanders, CP Riveters,Ā We can Vibration Test Most Tools.
For more details click here to contact us or call on 01709528600